photo credit: tumblr

1 // drink a lot of water and green tea
2 // smile and laugh
3 // eat fruit, vegetables and natural foods
4 // go for a walk, swim, run or bike ride
5 // read a book
6 // go to bed earlier
7 // stop thinking negative thoughts about yourself or others
8 // don't dwell on the past
9 // enjoy little things in life
10 // do not judge or compare yourself to others
11 // begin yoga or meditation
12 // do not put things off
13 // avoid processed foods
14 // stretch daily to increase flexibility
15 // listen to music
16 // live in a tidy space
17 // wear clothes that make you happy
18 // throw away things you don't need
19 // remember that all the effort you are making now will pay off in the end
20 // go outside more
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